Transparency Seal

I. Agency’s Mandate, Vision, Mission and List of Officials

  1. Agency’s Mandate, Vision and Mission
  2. List of Officials
  3.  Citizen’s Charter Compliance Certificate
  4. Committee on Anti-Red Tape (CART)
  5. ARTA Compliance 2023
  6. Certificate of Compliance (PhilGEPS)
  7. Certification of Compliance on PhilGEPS Posting
  8. Certification of Access to Potable Water (Percentage of barangay with access to potable water)
  9. Certification of Service Adequacy (Percentage of connections receiving 24/7 water supply)
  10. Certification of Service Reliability (Response time to restore service during service interruptions)
  11. Certification of Average Chlorine Residual
  12. Certification of Budget Submission with the inclusion of PBB (Copy of 2017 budget)
  13. Certification of Water Affordability (5% of the average of LIG)
  14. Certification of Complaints Received (Percentage of Complaints acted upon)
  15. Certification of Financial Reporting and Submission to COA
  16. Certification of Batac Water District Official Website
  17. Certification of Compliance pursuant to RA 9485
  18. SALN Review and Compliance Procedure
  19. List of Employees who did not file SALNs fo CY 2019
  20. Certification of Compliance (SALN Submission/Filing)
    1. SALN 2014
    2. SALN 2015
    3. SALN 2016
    4. SALN 2017
    5. SALN 2018
    6. SALN 2019
    7. SALN 2020
    8. SALN 2021
    9. SALN 2022
    10. SALN 2023
  21. ARTA Form No. 2015-1b
  22. ARTA Citizens Charter
  23. ARTA Compliance Report
  24. PBB Form A (with accomplishment)
  25. Report on Ranking of Offices/Delivery Units (Form 1.0)
    1. Report on Ranking of Offices/Delivery Units 2015
    2. Report on Ranking of Offices/Delivery Units 2016
    3. Report on Ranking of Offices/Delivery Units 2017
    4. Report on Ranking of Offices/Delivery Units 2018
    5. Report on Ranking of Offices/Delivery Units 2019
    6. Report on Ranking of Offices/Delivery Units 2020
    7. Report on Ranking of Offices/Delivery Units 2021
  26. List of Officers and Employees with their Respective Ratings
  27. Budget Utilization Rate
    1. Budget Utilization Rate 2020
    2. Budget Utilization Rate 2019
    3. Budget Utilization Rate 2018
  28. Form A-1 (Details of Delivery Unit/Office Performance Indicators and Targets
    1. Form A-1 (Details of Delivery Unit/Office Performance Indicators and Targets 2018

II. Annual Narrative Report

  1. 2023 Annual Report
  2. 2022 Annual Report
  3. 2021 Annual Report
  4. 2020 Annual Report
  5. 2019 Annual Report
  6. 2018 Annual Report
  7. 2017 Annual Report
  8. 2016 Annual Report
  9. 2015 Annual Report

III. Annual Financial Reports

1. 2013 Annual Report

2. 2014 Annual Report

3. 2015 Annual Report

4. 2016 Annual Report

5.2017 Annual Report

6. 2018 Annual Report

7. 2019 Annual Report

8. 2020 Annual Report

9. 2021 Annual Report

10. 2022 Annual Report

11.2023 Annual Report

IV. DBM Approved Budget and Targets

V. Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries, and Status of Implementation

  1. Projects, Programs & Activities 2018
  2. Projects, Programs & Activities 2017
  3. Projects, Programs & Activities 2016
  4. Projects, Programs & Activities 2015

VI. Annual Procurement Plan

  1. Annual Procurement Plan 2023 (Common-Use Supplies & Equipment)
  2. Annual Procurement Plan 2023
  3. BAC PPMP 2023
  4. Annual Procurement Plan 2022 (Common-Use Supplies & Equipment)
  5. Annual Procurement Plan 2022
  6. Annual Procurement Plan 2021 (Common-Use Supplies & Equipment)
  7. Annual Procurement Plan 2021
  8. BAC PPMP 2021
  9. Annual Procurement Plan 2020 (Common-Use Supplies & Equipment)
  10. Annual Procurement Plan 2020
  11. BAC PPMP 2020
  12. Annual Procurement Plan 2019 (Common-Use Supplies & Equipment)
  13. Annual Procurement Plan 2019
  14. BAC PPMP 2019
  15. Annual Procurement Plan 2018 (Common-Use Supplies & Equipment)
  16. Annual Procurement Plan 2018
  17. BAC PPMP 2018
  18. Annual Procurement Plan 2017 (Common-Use Supplies & Equipment)
  19. Annual Procurement Plan 2017
  20. BAC PPMP 2017
  21. Annual Procurement Plan 2016 (Common-Use Supplies & Equipment)
  22. Annual Procurement Plan 2016
  23. Annual Procurement Plan 2016 (capex)
  24. BAC PPMP 2016
  25. Annual Procurement Plan 2015
  26. Annual Procurement Plan 2015 (capex)
  27. BAC PPMP 2015

VII. Gender and Development

VIII. Quality Management System Certified by International Certifying Body or Agency Operations Manual

  1. Operational Manual (Resolution)
  2. Operational Manual

IX. Water Safety Plan

X. System of Ranking of Delivery Units and Individuals

XI. Disaster Risk Reduction

XII. Freedom of Information